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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11/21/2017
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday November 21, 2017

Members Present: Jeff Jordan Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator

Call to Order Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Attendees: Alan Mayville, Doug Hall, Donna Chagnon, and Lucille Noel

Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero -Regional Mobility Manager for the Mid-State Regional Coordinating Council                                       (RCC) for Community Transportation/Community Action Program

Ms. Ruggiero came before the Board to discuss a possibility of Chichester joining the Mid-State Regional Coordinating Council for Community Transportation. There is no fee to join but it would give Chichester representation and input on transportation needs. She reviewed what other towns in our area have as well as informing members of some transportation services that are already available to the 60 plus age group.

Consensus of the Board was to consider joining this council.

57 Center Road – Discussion
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board that she had spoken to the home owner today and they were very happy with repair to end of their driveway that was completed today. They felt there was not a need to come to Board since the issue had been addressed. Mrs. Pinard informed that at any point they were welcome to come before the Board.


Approval of Expenditures out of Government Vehicle Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund
Mr.  Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Jameson to approve the following repairs be completed and paid for out of the Government Vehicle Maintenance Expendable Trust for a total amount of $12,409.01:
DeCote Enterprises              $637.50
Stratham Tire                   $1,743.49
P&S Trucking                    $1,434.38
Donovan Spring                  $1,978.41
Liberty International           $682.58
Lakes Region Fire Apparatus in the following amounts $2,686.05; $665.54; $241.66; $2339.40. Motion Passes
Approval of Expenditures out the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund
Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Millette to approve the building repairs at the Highway Department in the following amounts to be paid out of the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund for a total amount of $5,229.93:
JSF Builders            $2,735.00
Amour Electric          $   843.66
Continental Paving      $1,651.27
Motion Passes

Approval of Grader Funding
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board that she had heard from the Trustees of Trust Fund and they do not believe that the purchase of the Grader can be done through the Municipal Transportation Fund. They do agree it can be purchased through the Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Millette to approve the purchase of the grader from the Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $26,500. Motion Passes.

Approval of Expenditures out the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund
Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Millette to approve the Fire Department’s purchase of a laptop to be purchased out of the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $1,218.00. Motion Passes

Abatements – Campers
Mr. Millette made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to abate the property taxes for the following campers as they were registered prior to April 1st, 2017:
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0060RV in the amount of $226.55
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0038RV in the amount of $ 95.00
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0073RV in the amount of $   5.00
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0039RV in the amount of $139.00
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0108RV in the amount of $139.00
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0050RV in the amount of $175.00
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0043RV in the amount of $ 75.00
Map 4 Lot 156 Sub 156 -0040RV in the amount of $135.00
Motion Passes
Outstanding Items:

Map 3 Lot 36 – Discussion of Zoning Violation
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board, the Town Attorney is handling this matter and will be writing a letter to the land owner’s attorney. She will update the Board when she receives one.

Map 3 Lot 39 – Discussion of Zoning Violation
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board that Mr. O’Donnell continues to remove and register cars on the property. As of this morning 4 more cars have been removed from the property. The property looks better with every visit. The property is down to 48 unregistered cars.

Repairs to Town Buildings
Town Hall
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board that Town Hall’s front door no longer stays completely closed and on windy days the Town Clerk is constantly going out to close it. The lock is also beginning to fail.

Historical Society
Mrs. Pinard also informed the Board about the roof at the Historical Society. During the wind storm on October 30, shingles were blown off the roof leaving the ice and water shield exposed. She stated she will be calling around to see if she can get this repaired as soon as possible. This may also be eligible for FEMA reimbursement if an emergency declaration is declared for that storm.

Advisory Budget Committee
Mr. Jameson made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to appoint Richard Bouchard to the Advisory Budget Committee for a three year term expiring April, 2020. Motion Passes

Paving Bid
Mr. Mayville stated that the RAC received two bids. Advanced they felt was opened as they had not fully quoted the ledge removal. Busby quoted the entire project with ledge removal included. The feeling of not having a firm number was questionable. Mr. Mayville stated that the RAC is recommended Busby.
Mr. Jameson made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the bid for the King Road reconstruction project from Busby Construction in the amount of $319,575.75 contingent upon Town Meeting approval. Motion Passes

Library Director
Lucille Noel informed the Board that the Library Trustees and Jacqueline Heath have agreed to contact. Jacqueline will be starting at the Library on December 4 at 2:00pm.

Doug Hall
Mr. Hall gave the Board of Selectmen a handout regarding property taxes and increased commercial development. He informed the Board that he had been doing this research since 1971 and interprets there to be no correlation between lowing property taxes and increase commercial industrial development. He want the Board to see these facts.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette made a motion and Mr. Jameson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:01pm. Motion passes.